Daily Writing Exercises

Daily Writing Exercises – NaNoWriMo Warm-Up 2019

Getting ready for NaNoWriMo? Or just want to try building a daily writing practice? This class is for you.

Practice and warm-ups are fundamental to every artistic discipline, writing included. Especially when you’re gearing up to set down 50,000 words in 30 days. Doing a 10 – 20 minute writing exercise can help kick your brain into creative gear without pressure, give you the chance to try out new craft skills, or simply keep your writing muscles limber on days when you don’t have the time or energy to work on your work in progress.

That’s what this course is all about. Starting October 1, you’ll get a short writing exercise via email every day for a month. These exercises will help you get to know your characters better, dig into details of your setting, and play around with voice, point of view, and other aspects of craft. You can use them to prepare for NaNo or as warm-ups before getting to work on your current project.

Because many writers thrive on community and support, all participants will have access to a private chat space on Discord where they can share their experience with the exercises and support each other through the month. This is optional! You can also do the exercises on your own and never speak to anyone else ever. ;)

The course costs $40 and grants are available for those who can’t afford it.

Sound good? Register Now or keep reading for more details.

All the deets.

Daily Writing Exercises - NaNoWriMo Edition

Daily Writing Exercises – NaNoWriMo Edition

Practice and warm-ups are fundamental to every artistic discipline, from the musician who practices scales for hours on end to visual artists who cover reams of paper with sketches to dancers and actors who rehearse for months. Practicing craft is important for writers, too. Especially when you’re about to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

Doing one 10 – 20 minute writing exercise every day before diving into your novel can help kick your brain into creative gear without pressure and give you the chance to try out new craft skills.

That’s what this course is all about. Starting November 1, you’ll get a writing exercise via email every day for a month. Each one is designed to get you warmed up and also to help you get to know your characters better, dig into details of your setting, and play around with voice, point of view, and other aspects of craft.

Sound good? Register Now or keep reading for more details.

All the deets.

Podcast logo for Originality which has a 7 pointed star in pink and yellow with a dark pink and black background and the words Originality exploring the roots of creative genius

ORIGINality #11: Stuff Your Inner Critic in a Box

NaNoWriMo is now over, but it hadn’t yet started when we recorded this podcast. And honestly, I don’t think you need to be preparing for NaNo or even care about NaNo to engage with what we talk about here. There are all kinds of art challenges you can take part in, be they 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year. They don’t have to be the ones dictated by someone else’s rules, either.

I am still very much interested in hearing from artists across the spectrum about the challenges they’ve taken part in or set themselves and where those challenges have been successful and even where they haven’t been.

You can listen to the podcast below or head over to the episode page and do it there or even subscribe so that every episode shows up in your podcatcher.




Several people have asked: nope, not doing NaNoWriMo. Not officially, anyway. What I am doing is continuing to write on my novel with the goal of having it done by the end of the year. This means I’m going to be doing a lot of writing this month, and if any NaNo people want to get together and do so with me, all the better.

My novel will likely be around 50K (actually I am aiming for between 60 and 75K) as it’s a YA. And I would enjoy motivation. This is why I have the Chapters for Chocolate program. Anyone who wants to see my chapters as I complete them (in 5 chapter chunks) must give me good chocolate in return for them. That’s all.

Also, Nina Kiriki Hoffman and I have this thing going on. A word race, if you will. Each week in November we will see who has more words for that given 7 day period. Whoever writes less will have to buy the other a Kindle book.

So, I have some great motivators. And a novel that is (finally) behaving itself. So November will be a good month.

Anyone interested in NonNaNoing with me?