My (Long Overdue) Thoughts on the Dollhouse Finale

Over at Fantasy Magazine:

Eliza Dushku has had the opportunity to dazzle us with the range of her acting over the course of this season. She did not. In this final episode she had one more chance to shine. She had a great example before her — Alan Tudyk as Alpha struggling with the different brains in his brain, switching smoothly between them without making it look hammy and overdone. Then he puts a ton of personalities into Echo’s head and Eliza gives us… well, the same vague “kick-ass chick” character she’s been playing for eleven previous episodes. It shouldn’t be a surprise that we never saw her switch between them. There was nothing to switch.

There’s… a lot more. It took me a whole week to write because every time I sat and thought about ti some more I was like, “Oh, and ALSO I hated this! And this!” Watch as I also compare the show to Family Guy and Heroes. Clicky for the fun!

Because I am fantastically sick of this crap

I’m letting you know now: the LJ crossposting plugins I’ve been using mysteriously are unable to crosspost scheduled posts from my blog. Why? No clue. Some kind of evil.  However, over the next week I will be preparing to go to WisCon, getting to WisCon, and enjoying WisCon. I’m scheduling a lot of posts. I will attempt to come along and force the posts to crosspost maybe, but really the best way to keep up with me for the next two weeks is to subscribe to my feed. (Those of you on FaceBook can see my notes, which are crossposts of the journal and don’t appear to be as full of fail.) The JournalPress developer is working on a scheduled posts fix and maybe that will be out soon. But, until then: feed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Dollhouse: Is It Done Yet?

Dollhouse: Is It Done Yet?

My thoughts on the latest Dollhouse episode are over at Fantasy.  One aspect that bothered me that I didn’t mention was the character of Mellie/November.  Mellie, specifically.

Ever since Mellie first showed up I have been super-annoyed and wary of her character. In the beginning because I am so over the I Am Desperately In Love With Man Who Ignores Me stereotype.  She seemed so pitiful and desperate that I was really rooting for her to be a doll just so it wouldn’t be so horrible for her to exist. It makes sense for the Dollhouse to program her to be desperate for Paul, even if it is still annoying.

So then we discover Mellie is a sleeper doll — fine. But THEN.  Then the annoyances keep coming.  Paul has wet dreams about Caroline even though he is sleeping with a woman who is — pardon me for being so crass — about 20,000 times more attractive than Eliza Dushku. Later Mellie tells Paul right out that she does not care if he doesn’t return her affections in any way, as long as she can keep doting on him. I’m paraphrasing — the actual sentence was so much more sickening than that. Yes, I know Mellie was put there to keep an eye on Paul by being the kind of woman he would want, but what man who is not an asshole would find a woman who would say such a thing desirable? It speaks to Paul’s character, I think, that they programmed her that way. And, of course, his response to this speech was not “Hey now, I return your affections, you do not need to say that or feel that way.” (Yes, I know, this would have been a lie.  Still.)  No, he responds by engaging in an excessively problematic “sex” scene.

Dear Show: WTF.

I have to wonder if there wasn’t some way to achieve the same goals with Mellie/November without making her character so awful. In fact, it would have made me feel so much more sympathy for Paul if the kind of woman he desired was not someone who only had one want or need (him) but was ultra-kick-ass and also thought he was attractive. It would have been so much more interesting if he really did have to struggle between being in the present moment with someone who cared for him and being obsessed with the Dollhouse (and Caroline). Lack of stereotypes is always a big turn-on for me.

Poor Mellie. I mean, I do definitely feel for the girl. Even knowing she’s a doll, I still felt really sad when Paul walked out and cruelly told her to go to hell.  (This is perhaps due to the fact that I think the actress is doing a damn fine job with this inanity she’s been given.) It was clever of him to do so in order to track her back to the Dollhouse, but think about that: he purposefully emotionally abused a woman because he essentially ceased to see her as a real person. He flat-out refused to save her even though she was just as much a “victim” as Caroline because he decided that Caroline was indeed real.

I have a problem with that.

If anyone is supposed to be a hero in this show, it is Paul. He falls very short of that label.

And if anyone can be said to be a victim here, I would definitely nominate Mellie. That she was created in such a way, subjected to such things, and will probably cease to exist from here on out is depressing. But not more depressing than another season of this show.

A Proposal, Re: The Hugo Awards

A Proposal, Re: The Hugo Awards

A couple of months ago Cheryl Morgan posted an editorial in Clarkesworld about how “you” can change the Hugos. I complained at the time that she dismissed the issue of money far too easily, and I still feel that way.

$50 to become a non-attending member of WorldCon grants you voting rights, but who pays that much to not attend a convention or to just vote on an award? Only people who have $50 to spend on not much at all.

Obviously the Hugos are something, yes, but they’re not worth $50 to most people. Even when you’re talking people who care.

So I have two ideas on how this aspect of the problem might be solved. One I think is more likely to be implemented because it’s easy, but I think both are viable.

Idea #1: Lower the non-attending membership price to $20 or $25.

$20 is better. More people are willing to drop $20 on things than $50. Obviously there will be plenty of people who will still say no way, but I think a lot more people would consider it at that price.

Idea #2: Allow members of other SF cons to be eligible to vote.

This is a bit more complicated, so bear with me. I totally understand that the Hugos are WorldCon’s award, and with good reason. But WorldCon is not the nexus of the SF world it once was as far as conventions go. And not everyone can get to or afford WorldCon but can get to a big con near them or one with a lower membership/hotel rate. What if the Hugo committee extended eligibility to the members of select conventions. They’d have a size minimum, or a base number of years the con has to be in existence, or has to include certain kinds of programming tracks, or some combination of that. Members could opt to pay an extra $10 over the registration price to vote for the Hugos.

Logistically, this could be difficult. This is why I think my first idea has more chance of being implemented.

I could be completely off base with all of this, but I think these are fairly good ideas. What do you all think? Any better ideas? Because looking at the list of nominees it’s clear that something needs to change before the Hugos themselves will.

Show creators, tired of the crazy wing of your fanbase? Here’s how to get rid of them.

Show creators, tired of the crazy wing of your fanbase? Here's how to get rid of them.

I bet that if producers/writers knew that this was a quick and easy way to put crazy fangirls off of their fandom they would have done it a long time ago.

So there’s this show called Supernatural. I don’t watch it but I do know that it’s about two brothers who investigate supernatural goings on. I also know that the actors who play these brothers are hotties.  And the show has a pretty intense fanbase. That was the extent of my knowledge until recently.

Since I don’t watch this show, I was unaware until a little bit ago that a lot of the fanfic written for it is slash between the two brothers. Yes. Slash. In the fandom it’s called Wincest because their last names are Winchester.

Yes, you read right.

Anyway, over on Fandom Wank there’s a very amusing entry about a recent episode in which the brothers discover that there’s some fangirl out there writing novels based on their adventures (within the world of the show).  They also find out that there are people online writing stories about them. When they go to look they find a lot of Wincest.  A lot.

After this episode aired, apparently the fandom became extremely not happy. They didn’t like the depiction of fangirls (as crazy, crazy people who are crazy) and they particularly didn’t like the brothers refering to incest slash as “sick”.

I’m going to pause a moment and let that sink in.

The fandom is upset because the characters they love (and the writers who create them) are not down with incest.


Anyway, seems many fangirls are saying they are so hurt and betrayed and etc. that they will stop watching and other such mumblings.  I have to say, that was a really effective way to drive a certain segment of the fandom away, Supernatural writers. Kudos if that was your goal.

I am perhaps being overly harsh and on a high horse. But this fandom is vying with the Twilight and Harry Potter fandoms for amounts of intense foolishness. Just a few days ago Delux pointed me to a Supernatural fan post where these girls were serving up some serious haterade because they went to an autographing session for one of the brothers and were appalled and angry that his girlfriend dared to be there! She harshed their fansquee!  How dare she bring them all down by reminding them that he has sex with someone who is not them? Read it — you must understand the depths of entitlement and freakitude.

I’m sure many other TV shows have fandoms with completely inappropriate people like this. Now you know how to quell them! Go forth and write some episode wherein characters decide that incest is wrong and you will stomp on the hearts of non-balanced slashers everywhere.

(I should add here that I have no particular issue with fandom in general. I am a fandom, I have participated in fandoms, I enjoy fanfic sometimes, I love that people can love a show or book or movie or whatever so much that inspires them to do all sorts of cool stuff. But the rantings above are for times whe Fandom Goes Wrong.)

I don’t have the energy to be erudite, so I’ll just rant some more

I don't have the energy to be erudite, so I'll just rant some more

I thought about writing a long, thoughtful post about this recent flare-up of stupidity on the internet. Something a little more coherent than my last one. But, honestly, it isn’t going to make much of a difference. Will Shetterly never listens to anyone, he just rants, whines, cries, and then complains about how hard it is to be poor all the time. I don’t even know what Cramer’s problem is.

But I can’t stop thinking about this issue and I can’t pin down exactly why. Part of it is because, well, Will Shetterly. His mere name is enough to upset anyone. Also, I am upset that coffeeandink is so affected by this. Basically, because she said things that Shetterly and Cramer didn’t like, they get to use their power to complicate her life? And for what? What does that accomplish? Silencing tactics from people who ought to know better. Disgusting.

Continue reading “I don’t have the energy to be erudite, so I’ll just rant some more”


I enjoy your shows.  The Closer?  Awesome.  Damages?  Very cool.  I would like to watch Leverage someday.  However, your online player keeps telling me that it needs to download some extra plugin in order to play your videos.

Um, no.

Users don’t like downloading extra shit.  They want to watch their videos when they visit your site.  I don’t know what this extra plugin does — something with DRM?  I dunno — but the fact that it’s necessary to enjoy this show tells me I’m not going to be happy about it.

You’re putting one extra step in-between me and the episode, and thus I will not watch it.  I’ll either wait and maybe rent it on DVD or just illegally download it like everyone else.

That’s what you get for putting an extra step in-between me and my entertainment.

Don’t do it.

No love,

FeedBurner Will Cease To Exist At the End Of The Month

FeedBurner Will Cease To Exist At the End Of The Month

Did you know this? I didn’t know this.  SUCK.  For whatever reason Google is not satisfied with just running FeedBurner in the background and causing all the support to disappear into the black hole that is GoogleGroups Support which is filled with people who don’t know anything.  Now they are making FeedBurner a non-entity and folding it all into Google.

I really don’t want to have yet another important part of my online life attached to my Google account.  Really and a lot.

FeedBurner was pretty awesome when it worked.  Now I’ll have to investigate alternatives.  Any suggestions?


Dear Google

Dear Google

Despite the fact that everyone seems to be talking about how you’re evil and you don’t support your products properly and other stuff, you and I have generally been cool.  But I have to say that we are going to have a slapfight in a minute if you do not fix the ongoing problem with Google Alerts and Blog Search.

I am spectacularly sick of getting a Google Alert every time I post on my blog because I have my story name in the sidebar of said blog.  There was a day when you knew the difference between a blog post and a sidebar.  It seems that day is no more.

In my WordPress backend and stats there’s a little window that tells me who has linked to me lately.  I’m sorry to say that this little window is now one of the most useless little windows in the history of little windows ever.  There I also get a new notification every time someone who has me in their sidebar posts anything at all ever.  EVER.  And, if it’s not doing that, it’s showing me links from months and months ago when I know damned well that newer links in public blogs exist.  Boo, Google.  Boo.

I want us to stay cool, Google.  I really do.  But I am starting to feel like if you cannot keep this basic function working, I don’t know that I want to entrust you with my entire online cloud.  (I know this is bad in general, but I am a lazy sheep when it comes to these things.)  Make me trust you again, Google.  Fix it fix it fix it!  Or else I am going to have to poke you with sharp, sharp sticks.

No love,